Guinea Pig

Availability: Out of stock

product highlights

  • Social, but shy at first
  • Ideal for children 8 & up
  • Will enjoy a cage mate
  • Needs a vitamin C supplement
  • Lives 5-8 years

These gentle, social companion pets will enjoy the companionship of another guinea pig (if you have two, house only same gender pairs), as well as interaction with their Pet Parents. Although shy at first, they will develop intense affection for their Pet Parents and may whistle to signal their happiness. Guinea pigs are diurnal, so they are most active during the day and will sleep about 4-6 hours per night.

Things to remember

Lifting & handling
Handle your guinea pig gently. Place one hand under her shoulders with your thumb over and around the neck, use your other hand to support under her back end, and hold firmly but not tightly.

Vitamin C
Guinea pigs cannot store or manufacture vitamin C, so you'll need to add a supplement to her water daily.

Special needs
Your guinea pig's front teeth never stop growing -- so she needs lots of healthy things to chew on like treat sticks and chews.

Choose a fortified diet made especially for guinea pigs.

Your guinea pig needs a well-ventilated home with a solid floor, large enough for a food dish, water bottle and a hiding area (if one isn't built in). There should be plenty of room for all cage accessories, and for him to move around freely.

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